Thursday, February 13, 2014

CHD Awareness -- Day 7

Sometimes sharing all of the CHD facts can be very depressing.
Lots of heart-wrenching stories, children suffering and many becoming Heart Angels.
This is the startling, hard to face, truth about CHD.

But I don't want the entire week to transpire and only to focus on the 'ugly side' of CHD.
Because let me tell you, there's a TRIUMPHANT side too.
There's a 'God held my child in His hands' side.
And mended his little heart through the skillful hands of his surgeon side.
Here's what it looks like:

This is just one of the MANY, MANY children who have battled CHD and kicked it's wicked butt!
And Ed and I are blessed beyond words, that he's ours.
Our son is CHD Warrior.

With your help, there can (and will!) be more and more CHD survivor's like EIV!

Please Spread Awareness whenever possible.
Donate your time, talent or resources to helping the cause
And most of all pray for children and families impacted by CHD.


Chris said...

Love that smile!!

SDI said...

He so melts my heart! Love that pure joy that lights his eyes and radiates through him!