Monday, August 11, 2014

8 and Fabulous!

Our beauty H, turns 8 today.
Isn't she stunning!

She's the sweetest girl with such a calm temperament and warm soul. 
You could feel that from day one with her.


Today we celebrate her!
Her love of animals, clothes and her little brothers. (and occasionally her big sister too!)
She is so amazing and precious and growing up too fast for me.
I'm actually sitting here crying as I write this.  She was my baby for many years.  My heart doesn't want her to grow up.  I always and forever want her voice to stay the EXACT way it is.  And for her to never pronounce her R's the right way.
We are so grateful that God gave her to us.

H, Happy 8th Birthday!
We Love you Madly, Dearly, with all our heart and more.


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